JavaScript (JS) Cheat Sheet

JavaScript Cheat Sheet contains useful code examples on a single page. Find code for JS loops, variables, objects, data types, strings, events and many other categories. Copy-paste the code you need or just quickly check the JS syntax for your projects.


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  • Basics – Introduction to JavaScript syntax. Learn how to include the scripts on a HTML page, how to declare a function, target a DOM element by it ID, how to output the data and how to write comments.
  • Loops – Most programming languages allow to work with loops, which help in executing one or more statements up to a desired number of times. Find the “for” and “while” loop syntax in this section.
  • If – Else statements – Conditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
  • Variables – Use variables (numbers, strings, arrays etc.) and learn the operators.
  • Data types – You can declare many types of variables and declare your own objects in JavaScript.
  • Strings – Learn how to work with JS strings and find the most common functions to work with this data type.
  • Events – Use JavaScript event listeners to trigger functions.
  • Numbers and math – Work with JS numbers, predefined constants and perform math functions.
  • Dates – Get or modify current time and date.
  • Arrays – Learn how to organize your vairables in vectors and how to use them.
  • Global functions – Predefined functions that are built in every browser that supports JS.
  • Regular expressions – Use RegEx to define a search pattern.
  • Errors – JS error handling.
  • JSON – JavaScript Object Notation is syntax used for storing and exchanging data.
  • Promises – The Promise object is used for asynchronous computation. See our example on how to declare one.

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