Python Calculator


This is for Beginners who is Learning Python.

Basic Calculator made it with only using while, if, elif, else and for statements.

Following calculation can be done with this python file: -Addition -Subtraction -Multiplaction -Division -Square -Square root This program will get user input, and will check if the persons birthday appers in the first million digits of pi.

WordCount: User input will take a sentence or a word, then program will give output of number of character in the sentence and vowels.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


start = """
(1) addition
(2) subtraction
(3) multiplication
(4) division
(5) square
(6) square root

# Our if, elif and else statement all depends on key = 1, if we change that to something else, it wont't work.
key = 1
while key == 1:
    question = input("Please enter the number for calculation you like to do (To quit type q): ")
    # This is where we set key = 0, so while statement is not true and our program stop working.
    if question == "q":
        key = 0
    # For all calculation we are using build function in Python: + - * / **
    elif question == "1":
        number1 = int(input("For addition enter first number: "))
        number2 = int(input("For addition enter second number: "))
        print(number1, "+", number2, "=", number1 + number2)
    elif question == "2":
        number3 = int(input("For subraction enter first number: "))
        number4 = int(input("For subraction enter second number: "))
        print(number3, "-", number4, "=", number3 - number4)
    elif question == "3":
        number5 = int(input("For multiplication enter first number: "))
        number6 = int(input("For multiplication enter second number: "))
        print(number5, "x", number6, "=", number5 * number6)
    elif question == "4":
        number7 = int(input("For division enter first number: "))
        number8 = int(input("For division enter second number: "))
            print(number7, "/", number8, "=", number7 / number8)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            print("You can't divide by 0!")
    elif question == "5":
        number9 = int(input("Enter the number you want to calculate the square: "))
        print(number9, "square is =", number9 ** 2)
    elif question == "6":
        number10 = int(input("Enter the number you want to calculate the square root: "))
        print(number10, "square root is = ", number10 ** 0.5)
        print("Wrong key.")
        print("Enter one of the following options:", start)
key = 1
while key == 1:
    question1 = input("Enter the number you want to do calculation (to quit type  q): ")
    if question == "q":
        key = 0

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